by Jenny Lynn | 4 July 2022 | theopenmindtherapist
Since ever I can first remember, I have been surrounded by men falling in love with me. It’s been both a blessing and a curse. Throughout my teens, on the run from an uncomfortable disharmony in my family, I fell into the arms of anyone who would have me...
by Jenny Lynn | 22 May 2022 | theopenmindtherapist
While the fear mechanism is hugely beneficial to you at various times in your life, guiding you to be cautious so as not to be physically and often mentally and emotionally hurt, what do you do when it appears to be running your life on autopilot? The tell tale signs...
by Jenny Lynn | 15 May 2022 | theopenmindtherapist
I discuss one of the most painful and debilitating fears that many people experience: the fear of being rejected. If this fear was once upon a time important for us to stay attached to the safety of the collective, why do we still harbour these seemingly needless...
by Jenny Lynn | 8 May 2022 | spiritual insights, theopenmindtherapist
I have moved house 26 times in 30 years. I have been in my current house 8 years. So some of my moves were only months. What fear was I running away from? In this blog I talk about how our fears manifest our outer reality and that we have a duty, especially as leaders...
by Jenny Lynn | 28 April 2022 | theopenmindtherapist
There was more than one element to my healing from schizophrenia which I’ll talk about in separate videos. But here is an explanation of just one of the facets to that journey back into our consensus reality. And it was about addressing my fear and learning to...
by Jenny Lynn | 14 April 2022 | theopenmindtherapist
I’ll be talking over the next few days about how fear manifests in our lives and what kinds of problems it causes. I’ll also be talking about the insights and awarenesses you need to nurture to allow fear to dissolve and become more fully present and more...