Online ME/CFS Group Mentoring

Do you find yourself alone with your ME/CFS condition, struggling with the isolation and loneliness of trying to heal all by yourself?

Has it taken you months, or even years, to navigate your way through the slew of options available in the online space, that is, having given up on the mainstream?

Do you feel you have looked everywhere for solutions and still there's a deeper, pervasive anxiety that is eluding you but you can't seem to hone in on it?

This group would suit you if you have come to the point where you understand there is more to this condition than mere physicality: you are a body AND a mind and soul. Treating the body without referring to the mind is like re-arranging the deckchairs on the titanic! You need to find the life raft, not mess about with superficialities.

Working on the mind with no guidance, can leave you searching for that elusive key to discover your own solution. Bringing that solution into focus in the company of other seekers with myself, your guide, will help bring you a step closer to your recovery – AND in the good company of your fellow journeyers.

The creation of this group has been initiated by a video interview I gave in May 2024 which created a high demand for 1-2-1 sessions. As a result, I now feel compelled to open up opportunities for group work at a lesser cost, to help those who feel isolated and alone on this journey to find their way home. Having informed and enlightening company from each other that hears where you are, that understands your struggles, that inspires you and helps your healing journey is a gift. You can even make friendships and support each other outside of sessions on our private and unlisted Facebook forum that you have the option to join once you are one of our group.

This is the video that made such a massive change to my working life and allows me now to help more of you:

Raelan would love a subscribe from you and for you to root around in her other videos to listen to the testimonials of others who have been on their own unique journey of recovery.

Once I realised that my emotions were directly linked to my body, I understood what my symptoms were telling me. They were saying: “hello there? I’m here! Would you mind paying attention and using me as your guide? I’m tired with taking orders from that sargeant major up there!” It’s been a revelation. I never realised I had so much energy tied up in trying to ignore my bodytalk. Coming home has been like a big, warm, internal hug. I didn’t realise I could just be me, and still be likeable! My anxieties have largely melted. Sometimes I can feel my head doing the work again, but I know, when that happens, my symptoms may return momentarily, just to remind my inner knowing by saying, “Oh no. Look down here please. You don’t need to keep placing yourself in alarm. I’m here. We are fine just as we are.”

This online group work is designed to be soulful, searching, and to challenge you. You can feel supported, not only by myself, but by each other and my colleague, Jackie Byrd. Jackie is supporting administratively and has also been on her own path of spiritual growth and personal transformation. She has over 30 years experience as a holistic practitioner including Reiki, Reflexology and Acupuncture.At times, we will press your buttons and open up discussion; at others we’ll reflect, imagine together and experience oneness with self and others. There is space to discuss in 2’s or 3’s and then come together again for group feedback. Our programme will be tailored to you and will be different with every cohort of participants as we navigate the challenges particular to each group.

If you have already seen me on a 1-2-1 and want to use the group as an accountability group or to share your onward journey and gain more inspiration, you are also welcome.

What to expect

The overall goal is to enable, inspire and encourage you to ‘come home’: stop looking outside of yourself for solutions; they are all inside just where you are. With others around you, you can find the courage to look in the dusty places, and see where you’ve been abandoning yourself for the sake of keeping up your strong exterior.

Even if you choose to never work with me, let me tell you now. Those of you living with this condition of ME/CFS are amazing people; kind, thoughtful, intelligent, sensitive, warm and you deserve to be well and happy. I have never met a client with ME/CFS who does not fit that description. You may not believe it, but you are our future healers and way showers: YOU matter just for being you. That may be a contrary message to the one you’ve been getting from the mainstream but I have treated so many with this condition I don’t know any different; that is just how I see and experience you.

You will have homework to do ranging from meditations, journalling, audio courses, and other activities. Though there is no pressure. You do what you can and we explore the results.

Our groups take place for 6 successive weeks with 90 minute session on:

  • Tuesdays at 16.30 till 18.00 GMT/BST (for western Europe and USA)
  • Thursdays at 9.00 till 10.30 GMT/BST (for Australia and Asia)

To join a group from the dates below, first book yourself in for a 30 minute meeting so we can get to know each other a bit and I have some idea who will be joining us. Then at the end of our call, I’ll direct you back to this page to book your place on the course that suits your calendar.

Your investment is: £200 which includes:


6 x 1.5 hour sessions

where you’ll be expertly guided through group hypnosis, pair and group work, with the opportunity for accountability throughout the 6 weeks helping you navigate through your healing journey.


Video recordings of the sessions

so that you can recall, make notes and work through the content from week to week, and to ensure you get some benefit even if one week you cannot attend.


Easy to follow Videos

These videos will guide you along the way with easy to digest guidance on how to negotiate blocks and help you realise that you, in all your human-ness, are witnessed and seen.


Useful Handouts and audio resources each week including

  • A journalling sheet to help shape your reflections;
  • Meditation tracks designed to build your inner confidence
  • Audio assertiveness and confidence course to help you with wording those difficult emotions and finding the confidence to express them.

Exclusive access to a private unlisted Facebook group

for group support where you’ll be able to inspire and encourage each other and make friends and even find accountability partners.

Step 1: Schedule your 30 minute call

Just click on the link below to schedule your 30 minute call so we can get to know each other and I can plan better for who is joining. Then I’ll direct you back to this page to book the course that suits you. We can do that together at the end of our call online if you prefer. Or I can leave that with you. No pressure. Looking forward to meeting you during 2025. 

Step 2: Book your place on a course


  • Feb: 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
  • Mar: 4th. 11th

Tuesdays at 16.30 till 18.00 GMT/BST


  • Feb: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
  • Apr: 3rd, 10th

Thursdays at 09.00 till 10.30 GMT/BST

This course has
been rescheduled


  • Apr: 29th
  • May: 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
  • Jun: 3rd

Tuesdays at 16.30 till 18.00 GMT/BST


  • May: 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th
  • Jun: 5th

Thursdays at 09.00 till 10.30 GMT/BST