Anxiety in modern society is a common issue born of many personal historical, psychological and social issues, not least of all our fear of exclusion and difference. Our culture has become so homogenised that deviances from the norm can create crippling anxiety and...
I have met over the years dozens of mediocre therapists who, driven by theory, intellect and techniques, appear to need more therapy than their clients. And I have met a few who have really inspired me to pursue my own creativity and resourcefulness. These eclectic,...
How do you know when someone has crossed over? I use the concept both in my blog post and in my youtube video about ‘crossing over’ a precipice. The precipice is a spiritual point of no return. It’s a concept that is difficult to pin down and perhaps...
It’s been such a momentous year this last year. I feel I’ve crossed over a portal in my work that I can’t and don’t want to return through. I have taken such inspiration from so many amazing people and have felt encouraged to become who I...
The day came yesterday. I was lying in bed actually, deciding whether it was worth getting up early or not when the phone rang. It was the doctors surgery. The medical records I requested from 1987 had arrived and were ready for collection. 1987 was my final year at...
I was in an inspirational meeting with fellow journeyers in London a few months ago which was looking at how we sabotage ourselves and what kinds of excuses we use to do so. The litany of excuses and fears that we all contributed to our discussion was really quite...